
Linear Regression From Scratch

Linear Regression From Scratch

Don't just tow the line, move it!

1597 words/8 min read

Imagine you are buying a car and you want to know about its mileage. You don’t want to go for the user reviews or the company’s claim of mileage. The option you are left with is to predict the mileage all by yourself. So, if you are an interested data scientist, why not give it a try?

Perceptron From Scratch

Power of a neuron

2115 words/10 min read

Neural Networks are very fascinating, but they are very complicated to understand. To simplify our understanding, we start with the simplest unit of the neural network – the perceptron. We want to understand what role the perceptron plays and its functioning as a simple logical unit. This should hopefully improve our understanding of a neural network.

Choosing Right Colormap for Heatmap

Choosing Right Colormap for Heatmap

Improve the interpretation of a heatmap

177 words/1 min read

Heatmaps are used to visually represent correlation between various continuous features in a dataset. You can construct heatmaps and give them different colours for different values. This gives good visual appeal and makes it easier to understand.

Non-parametric One-way ANOVA

Correlate categorical predictor with continuous response variable

934 words/5 min read

Regression datasets often have a mix of categorical and continuous predictor variables. When the number of categorical variables is large, how do you pick the ones that are relevant to the regression(i.e. correlated to the response variable)?

Neat Wordcount Histograms

The convenience of horizontal histograms

230 words/2 min read

Most NLP projects require us to look at word counts in documents. The traditional way is to draw histograms with vertical bars. But, are they convenient?